In 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 thesis declaring salvation by grace through faith. Today the church desperately needs a second reformation of sanctification by grace. Christians are chained to a treadmill of trying to please God by their behavior, of trying harder and sinning less. If they can just discipline themselves enough and be determined enough, they are deceived into thinking they can become righteous and holy and be close to God and He will be pleased. Grace tells us that our relationship and intimacy with our Father in heaven is no longer dependent upon our behavior...or lack there of. Grace tells us we no longer have to strive to become righteous, because He has given us a new nature that is righteous. Grace tells us that it is the only thing powerful enough to deal with our sin. Grace tells us that God is already head-over-heels in love with us and nothing we do can change that. Welcome to "Formed by Grace."

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A New Ability to Obey

God in his grace has not only given me a new motivation to obey, but a new ability to obey. That ability begins with Him giving me a new heart that is righteous and holy. Ephesians 4:23 tells me that this new nature I have is created after the likeness of God, in true righteousness and holiness. Now I no longer obey to become righteous and holy, rather my obedience is the evidence of what God has already done in me. I can stop striving to become someone and something different from who I though I could do that! What if my behavior did not create holiness, but was the result of holiness?


  1. Thanks, Bill, for continuing to share your grace journey with us. Your sharing has impacted me in this area, and I look forward to the continued journey.

  2. Sweet words of truth. The Lord has had me on this journey for the last 10 years as well. One of the verses that kept hovering in my mind and heart was "Cease striving...and know that I am God." I began to learn the same lesson as you. Another part of it was God gently showing me that I was displeasing Him by inadvertently playing jr. holy spirit....a prideful place of thinking I was way more important in God's working in others than is actually the case. What a wonderful relief to give it all back to Him....and just labor in His strength as He leads!

  3. Thanks so much Bill...these are truly life transforming insights. I too am in the middle of fully understanding what it means to be out from under the law, in His grace, and fully trusting Him for everyday life.

  4. Thanks Bill, we are meeting with a group on this very passage tonight. At some point, I'd love your thoughts on "putting of the old self and putting on the new"
    Al Engler
